I struggled to keep my weight down for years, and spent a small fortune in the process. My problem was that I wanted FAST, and I don't mean the "stop eating type of fast", I mean QUICK, RAPID, NOW. Consequently I was a sucker for any plan which included one of those words in the sales pitch, and all plans included one or more of those words. What really got to me finally was that, even with the successful plans, the pounds I lost from my body would all come back again, soon. The pounds I lost from my purse never came back again, ever.
The answer to all this, when I found it, was so simple and so obvious, that I wondered why nobody else had ever discovered it. Having said that, there was a good reason why the millionaires of the slimming industry would not want you to know this. The slimming industry knows all this, they just don't want you to know.
Ask yourself why you have gained weight, and don't make all the usual excuses like having children or giving up tennis, hockey or whatever. Having children did not make you gain weight, at least not after they were born. The birth of your first and any subsequent children would have caused a change in your lifestyle. Maybe that was when you were forced to give up tennis or hockey, and when, years later, you found the time to resume your sporting activities you were older and not so fit now. The important thing is that you didn't gain all your extra weight in a couple of weeks, and one big mistake in slimming is to try to lose all your extra weight in a couple of weeks.
The message is to forget about trying to achieve your ideal weight in the shortest time possible. The key to being able to keep slim for life is to make some lifelong changes. This means easy changes, changes that you will be able to sustain for life. The simplest change, and the easiest to implement, is to slightly reduce the amount of food you eat. It is also the cheapest plan. Note the word "slightly", because you are looking for a permanent solution to keeping slim. If you starve yourself to the point where you feel hungry and miserable all day long, this will not become a lifelong plan. Simply reducing, slightly, the amount of food that you eat will ensure that some of those extra pounds of flesh will fall away, slowly and gradually, but as long as you keep this up you will continue to make those gradual reductions in weight. If you are in the habit of snacking between meals then it will speed up the process slightly if you cut out sweet and sugary things in favour of healthier snacks or fruit. But always, always, always make these changes gradually.
Extra exercise is not essential, but will help to speed up the process, but again, this should be approached steadily. No hard, gruelling, iron pumping workouts. A 20 to 30 minute walk a day will work wonders, especially if you have been leading a sedentary lifestyle. Similarly, a 20 to 30 minute freestanding exercise workout will help, and there are lots of DVD's out there to give you some easy workout routines.
Drink more water, the recommended dosage is 8 glasses per day, but even 4 glasses a day would be better than none. Not only will those extra glasses of water give you a bit more of a full up feeling, but they will improve your skin texture far more effectively and cheaply than expensive creams will.
When you are walking past the local cake shop, look away. Look across the road to the dress shop and see what they've got that you would like to be able to fit into.
It will take months, rather than weeks, to achieve your target weight, but you will have made that important slight change to your lifestyle which will last. In just a few weeks you will begin to notice some changes which will give you encouragement and further incentive to stick to these slight, painless changes you have made. With a little patience you will find that you will be able to keep slim for life, and that's all it takes - a little patience.
I used to be a yo-yo dieter, always trying out some different weight loss programme which promise FAST results. The rigorous disciplines, the inconvenience of having to prepare special meals for myself and normal meals for the rest of the family, and eating foods I didn't always enjoy would gradually sap all my will power, and I would give up, put back what little weight I may have lost, and start looking for another way.
Find out how I finally won the battle of the bulge by clicking on http://www.superslimyou.com and get my free guide to easy and permanent weight loss.
My best wishes for your success
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=June_Goldsmith
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