Monday, May 24, 2010

WeightLoss Solution - 3 Secret Tips to Keeping Slim Forever

After hearing all the weight loss horror stories it's enough to discourage you from even trying to lose the pounds,and will also make you think that losing pounds and keeping it off is next to impossible. But it all depends on the diet plan that you use. Most diets work only for the short term. The question is how do you keep it off for the long term ? Any effective diet program should be treated as a long term venture in order to be successful. In this article we will list 3 secret weapons that will allow you to keep your body slim forever.

Secret Tip #1 (Drink More Water)

Drinking enough water is one of the most important things that you can do to lose weight and to keep it off permanently. Often times our thirst signals are mistaken for hunger signals, causing us to eat more when our body is actually asking for water. Our body needs plenty of water to; maintain its daily functions properly, flush out harmful toxins, regulate our temperature, lubricate our joints, transport nutrients.digest foods, and remove waste materials.

Secret Tip #2 (Cleaning The Colon)

Having a thorough cleansing of your colon is beneficial in more ways than one. A clean colon is good for the overall performance of your entire body. For example a clean colon will give you better digestion, decreases your chances of diseases, will improve your regularity, and help with weight loss.

Secret Tip #3 Using Triple Fat Burners

When using fat burners like Green Tea Extract, Hoodia Gordonii, and Chitosan you will attack the problem area's were fat is normally stored (the belly, the hips, and the thighs ) And not only do they attack the fat, it will permanently keep the weight off.

Bonus Tip: We've Already Done All The Research For You: After evaluating hundreds of diet products, we've chosen our top 10 based on safeness, reliability,and long term effectiveness Our #1 pick is Tri Slim (Out Of The Top Ten)

Tri Slim guarantees you will drop the pounds, and keep it off for the next 12 months, if not you get a 3 month supply of any weight loss product of your choice for free

What's free: Your Free Bottle Of Tri Slim. Also get your free book report entitled "The Top 10 Diet Myths Exposed" In fact all 10 reviewed products are free to you.

Click here to get your free Tri Slim and free book report

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

5 Tips For Losing Weight and Keeping Slim

Holistic Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance

You obviously take your weight loss seriously or you wouldn't be reading this!

You are probably an expert on the whole "diet thing" but still searching for the Perfect Diet. It's likely that you have never felt totally successful or that, having succeeded, you need to keep the weight off.

And do you know why?

Because you didn't fine-tune your mind and body first, so that it could really benefit from your choice of diet.

Holistic Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance are all about getting the best conditions for losing weight and maintaining it by preparing your mind and body.

This holistic weight loss article deals with the Mind.

1. Stop thinking of yourself as a failure because you are overweight. Our culture bombards us with images of perfection. We feel that only beauty counts and that we are an underclass because of our body shape. This mind-set makes losing weight even more difficult.

So, what you need is a daily work out. (No, not down at the gym although of course that would help as well). You need some regular mental attitude exercises.

2. Imagine how you would like to be, how your life is going now and your plans for the future. Write them all down and then make them into a list of positive statements by writing "I love ..." for each one. For example, "I love meeting the right partner" or "I love getting on well with my son/daughter etc". If you want to reach an ideal weight or size, imagine yourself there and write "I love being size (x)" or "I love reaching my goal weight of (x) lbs".

Remember this is Holistic Weight Loss, which means treating the whole person. So don't forget other aspects of your life as well, such as good health, more money, and (most important of all), "I love myself". Because if you don't, then others will have greater difficulty loving you.

How many statements you have is up to you. Perhaps start with ten and increase as you want to. Say them to yourself mentally, or out loud, several times a day, but especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night. ( I recite my positive statements when travelling)

Always say "I love",

Never say "I want" or "I need",

Because you will stay in the state of wanting. You have to visualise what it is that you love having and put yourself there already.

3. There are always negative people around you trying to ruin your efforts, particularly those close to you. Similarly, try not to take any notice of your own criticism and self-doubts. We all have faults, and we do try to overcome them, but when we make mistakes we have to learn from them and move on.

4. Most of us can become swamped by feelings of depression or negativity at some time. Try to use your positive statements when you feel like this. Depression, or feeling low, often leads to 'comfort eating' which obviously will not help your holistic weight loss or maintaining your goal weight.

So keep on top of those thoughts which creep in unexpectedly and lower your self-image.

5. However, if you fail, shake yourself off and start again - several chocolate biscuits or a binge is not the end of the world. Try not to think that there is no point continuing. Use your statements and set off once again. "Put it down" as they say, and move on.

Put your list of positive statements for holistic weight loss somewhere prominent- perhaps on the fridge door- as it may well be the first place you go when life starts to fall apart! Eventually, you will know them off by heart.( My list is so long that they help me to fall asleep as I recite them!)

Live in the now!

So now is the moment to change. Make a resolution to yourself to start changing your life today.

How are you going to do it?

1. Start to feel good about yourself.

Decide where you want your life to go, how you want your relationships to develop, how you want to look and who you want to be.

2. Use your positive statements and change them if necessary, as your life changes.

3. Try to ignore unhelpful criticism and advice - you know what you want!

4. KEEP POSITIVE. Use your statements to overcome feeling blue. (Also try humour as a remedy: watch a funny DVD, meet up with a friend, take a good long walk with the dog or a friend, take a bike ride or anything that lifts you out of those negative feelings and thoughts.

5. Always be ready to start again, if necessary.

If you follow these 5 tips then you will soon find that your whole approach to life and yourself will have dramatically altered. More to the point, when you look in the mirror you will start to see the new slimmer you looking back at you!

Good luck!

Milly has put together a complimentary article on weight loss and weight loss maintenance that will quickly help to solve your problems - Permanently.

Please click on the following link.

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